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Using document.getElementByID() in javascript to send form data

ID: 107

Category: Vanilla Javascript

Added: 15th of October 2018

Updated On: Tutorial updated and rechecked on 3rd of December 2023

Views: 3,308

The code below takes the form input and displays the result by using the document.write() comment.

Example 2: Using document.write() command in Javascript
Create a new .html document on your desktop, and rename the file example2.html

Open the document in your text editor and copy and paste the following code.

<form method="post" action="#" onSubmit="submit_form();">
First Name: <input type="text" name="first_name" id="fn" value=""
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Form">

function submit_form()
var first_name = document.getElementById('fn').value;
document.write("Hello ", first_name);

Save the document and open it in your web browser. The form will take user input, and print the result on the next page.