ID: 139
Category: Emulators
Added: 12th of April 2023
Views: 4,438
The Commodore 64 was the second computer I owned after the Commodore Vic 20. Whilst the Commodore 64 might not have been as popular or have the same selection of games as the ZX Spectrum 48k, it was still a great computer for it's time. For me what set the Commodore 64 apart from many of the other 8-bit machines of that time was the onboard sound The (SID) chip.
Looking back today, it's amazing what game developers could create with so little ram at their disposal.
Nothing beats playing old games on the original hardware, but If you cannot afford to buy a second hand Commodore 64 , there are quite a few Commodore emulators that you can install on Linux, the most popular one being Vice, however I decided to download and install C64 Forever Express Edition through Wine, which is a Windows only download.
They offer a free version of C64 Forever, Express Edition so I downloaded the .msi file,
I then ran the wine msiexec command below followed by the filename.msi to initiate the installation, since for some reason I didn't have the option to open with wine.