ID: 146
Category: Xubuntu
Added: 22nd of February 2020
Views: 3,907
If you are a new user to Xubuntu, or any other Linux distribution that uses the XFCE4, this tutorial shows you how to create a new menu panel, position the menu and how to add program shortcuts.
To create a new menu panel, right click on the existing menu panel at the top of your desktop, select Panel > Panel Preferences from the menu
Next click the green plus icon. This will create a new menu panel which you can then drag to anywhere on the desktop.
In this example I have dragged the new menu panel to the bottom of the screen.
Next open your main menu at the top
Select a category, then right click on the program you would like to create a shortcut too by selecting Add To Panel.
In this example I selected Internet > Google Chrome
Select the correct menu panel where the new program shortcut should be added.
Panel 0 - Will be your main menu panel,
Panel 1 - Will be the menu panel you created, so select panel 1.
Your program shortcut will be added to the menu.
You can add as many program shortcuts as you like.