ID: 148
Category: Xubuntu
Added: 2nd of April 2020
Views: 3,091
Trying to understand how themes work in Xubuntu
I have always wanted to try and create my own theme in Linux, however if your like millions of other Linux users who find the whole process confusing then join the club. I will devote this article to looking at some of the files and folders inside a theme and try to get a better understand of how they work. It might also go some way, in to giving others users a starting to point to creating their own theme.
What theme and icon set am I using?
I am currently running Xubuntu, so my first starting point is too see what theme I am actually using. From the menu so go to Settings >> Appearance.
As you can see from the screenshots I am using the Greybird theme, using the elementary Xfce darker icons.
Where are the themes and icons located in Xubuntu
Themes and icons folders are located under the following directories in Xubuntu