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Download Microsoft Edge preview version for Ubuntu and Ubuntu based distributions

ID: 200

Category: Ubuntu

Added: 22nd of October 2020

Views: 2,083

In all my years of using Linux, I never thought I would be offering a link to download a Web browser from Microsoft, how times have changed.

I think this can only be a good thing for Linux in the end. Being Chromium based, I have to say the browser runs really well on my old laptop.

To download the preview version of Edge for Linux head over to Microsoft Edge insider, and download the .deb file

Once downloaded open your terminal and cd to your Downloads folder

cd Downloads

Then issue the following command to install the .deb file.

Please note: Version number might have changed by the time you read this.
sudo dpkg -i microsoft-edge-dev_88.0.673.0-1_amd64.deb

Here are some screenshots