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Install the Fira sans font on Ubuntu Mate

ID: 250

Category: Ubuntu Mate

Added: 15th of February 2021

Views: 6,389

As much as I like the Ubuntu font, sometimes applying a new font to your Linux distribution can change the complete look and feel of your desktop.

One font I recently discovered and installed on Ubuntu Mate was the Fira sans font. The Fira sans font family was created by the Mozilla in 2015 and is free to download and use.

You can download the fonts from Google fonts by visiting https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Fira+Sans?preview.text_type=custom

Once downloaded extract the .zip file then use the following command to copy the Fira_Sans folder to the fonts directory.

Fonts can be found in the following directory /usr/share/fonts/truetype

Remember to replace username with your real username
sudo cp -r /home/username/Downloads/Fira_Sans /usr/share/fonts/truetype/

Next goto Preferences >> Appearance and click the Font tab to select Fira Sans as your new font.