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Sky Q versus FreeSat and Smart TV apps for YouTube and other services

ID: 257

Category: Computer Ramblings

Added: 27th of March 2021

Views: 3,101

We now consume a lot of our media through the apps on our satellite boxes or smart TV's, so it's important to know these are going to be supported by the manufacturer as the device gets older.

In the last year a few issues have appeared using the YouTube app on my mothers Freesat box. The first issue arised in 2020, when all of a sudden the videos completely disappeared off the screen, this was resolved in a few weeks.

At the start of 2021 a new issue appeared with the YouTube app. When you search and move the cursor, the letters completely disappear, which now renders YouTube unusable.

It's been over three months since this issue first appeared, and there seems to be no fix in sight. There is no support coming from the manufacturer, so the only solution would be to upgrade the box which is shame as the box is only two years old.

If you are thinking of moving to FreeSat or getting a Smart TV to move away from SKY, make sure the Apps are going to be fully supported on your device. I hear more and more stories from family and friends where Apps are no longer working or supported.

At home we pay for SKY, which comes with the SKY Q, box. It comes with a host of apps. If any issues arise with these apps you know these will be sorted out as soon as possible.

Sky Q Homescreen

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