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How do I upgrade a single package in Ubuntu and Ubuntu based distributions

ID: 272

Category: Ubuntu

Added: 12th of September 2021

Views: 2,017

To upgrade a single package in Ubuntu or your Ubuntu based distribution you can first check the repository to see if a newer version of the package is available. I want to upgrade to the latest version of Google Chrome.

Open your terminal and enter the following command

sudo apt-cache policy google-chrome-stable

As you can see from the terminal screenshot below, my installed version is 92.0.4515.107-1 but a newer version is available 93.0.4577.63-1

I then issue the following command to upgrade the google-chrome-stable package
sudo apt-get --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable

After this I issue the following command to see what version of google-chrome-stable is now installed.
google-chrome-stable --version