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No internet access using your mobile, android device in the EU, try these tips

ID: 315

Category: Android

Added: 26th of August 2022

Views: 1,165

If you can send text and make calls abroad but cannot access the internet on your mobile, the first thing to do is make sure you have not run out of data.

If you still have plenty of data, the next thing to check is that Mobile Data and Data Roaming are both enabled on your Android mobile device.

On your Android mobile device go to
Settings >> Wireless & Networks >> Mobile Network

If both are enabled and you still cannot access the internet, then you need to make sure you are using the correct APN settings.

For a brief explanation about what APN settings are please visit Android Central

To access the APN settings on your own Android mobile device go to
Settings >> Wireless & Networks >> Mobile Network >> Access Point Names (APNs)

My phone was purchased second hand. The previous owner used O2, and when I looked in the APN settings my phone was set up to use O2. Giff Gaff uses the 02 network, which is why it worked in the UK, but outside the UK caused the conflict.

After deleting the 02 settings and creating a new APN setting for Giff Gaff using the following connection information below, I was able to browse the internet on my phone again.

APN: giffgaff.com
Username: gg
Password: p
Proxy: {Leave Blank}
MCC: 234
MNC: 10
APN protocol: IPv4v6
APN roaming protocol: IPv4
Authentication type: PAP

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