Category: Bash Scripts

Added: 27th of August 2022

Updated On: 22nd of November 2023

Viewed: 1,164 times

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This article was updated and rechecked on 22nd of November 2023

Rename all images inside folder with sequential numbers bash scripts

The following bash script renames all .jpg images inside a folder with sequential numbers, for example 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg......

If you are using a different image format such as .jpeg, .png, .gif just change the code at the start of the for loop, for example for i in *.png if your folder contains .png images.

If this is your first time creating a bash script please visit my other tutorial Create a simple bash script

Copy and past the code below in to your text editor, save the file as


for i in *.jpg;
mv "$i" "$(printf $number).${i#*.}";

Make the file executable by entering the following command
chmod +x

Run the script by entering

Make sure the bash script is in the same folder as your images before executing the script.