Using the HTML <kbd></kbd> tag to show keyboard shortcuts in your webpages
ID: 321
Category: HTML
Added: 2nd of October 2022
Views: 1,233
If you need to show keyboard shortcuts in your own webpages you can use the HTML <kbd></kbd> tag to highlight various parts of the text.
Show hidden files on Linux, press CTRL + h
Paste text on Linux, press
You will want to add your own styling via CSS, as it's hard quite hard to distinguish the highlighted parts of the text without it.
Create a new file on your Desktop named
kdb.html, copy and paste the code below then save the file. Launch the file in your browser.
border:1px solid black;
<p>Show hidden files on Linux, press <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>h</kbd></p>
<p>Paste text on Linux, press <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>v</kbd></p>
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