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Using the HTML <kbd></kbd> tag to show keyboard shortcuts in your webpages

ID: 321

Category: HTML

Added: 2nd of October 2022

Views: 1,233

If you need to show keyboard shortcuts in your own webpages you can use the HTML <kbd></kbd> tag to highlight various parts of the text.

Show hidden files on Linux, press CTRL + h

Paste text on Linux, press CTRL + v

You will want to add your own styling via CSS, as it's hard quite hard to distinguish the highlighted parts of the text without it.

Create a new file on your Desktop named kdb.html, copy and paste the code below then save the file. Launch the file in your browser.
border:1px solid black;
<p>Show hidden files on Linux, press <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>h</kbd></p>
<p>Paste text on Linux, press <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>v</kbd></p>

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