How do I calibrate a Joystick or Gamepad in Ubuntu or Ubuntu based distribution
ID: 243
Category: Ubuntu Mate
Added: 14th of January 2021
Views: 6,798
If you ever need to calibrate a Joystick or Gamepad in Ubuntu or an Ubuntu based distribution you can install the package jstest.
Firstly you need to make sure your Joystick or Gamepad has been detected.
To do this enter the following command in the terminal
As you can from the list of USB devices, by gamepad has been detected, which I have highlighted
To install jstest enter the following command in the terminal
sudo apt-get install jstest-gtk
Once installed you can start jstest from your terminal by entering the following command below, or from your menu
The next step is self explanatory. Click properties, calibration and start the calibration wizard to calibrate your own Joystick or Gamepad.