Category: Computer Ramblings
Added: 30th of September 2024
Viewed: 132 times
Amazon Alexa How to stop other devices turning on in your home, when using the Wake Word Alexa
We have three Amazon Alexa Echo devices dotted around the home. Occasionally when using Alexa other devices would then turn on at the same time, which can be annoying.
One reason this might be happening is the devices are grouped. If they are not grouped, you probably just need to change the wake word from Alexa something else, especially if the devices are in close proximity to each other.
Open the Amazon Alexa app on your phone, select settings, then select Wake Word.
As you can see from the screen shots below I have selected Ziggy.
Other Wake Words that can be used instead of Alexa are:
If your Amazon Alexa device is turning on at a specific time, then you probably have a routine set up on the device. If you don't have access to that device through the Alexa App on your phone, then reset your Alexa device.