If you installed a Linux Distribution as a virtual machine using Virtualbox, you will need to install the Guest Addtions CD. The easiest way to install Guest Additions is through the terminal.
To do this click Devices >> Insert Guest Addditons CD Image from the virtualbox menu. This will mount the Guest Additions CD image in your Linux Distribution
The Guest Addditons CD Image for me is located under the /media/mycomputertips directory. The media directory is where all removable devices get mounted
Open your terminal and issue the following command. Replace mycomputertips with your own username
cd /media/mycomputertips
Then CD in to the VBox_GAs_7.1.4 directory. Your version will probably different depending on the Virtual Box version you initially installed.
cd VBox_GAs_7.1.4
Issue the dir command to list all the files in the directory. Most people will need to install the VBoxLinuxAdditions.run file.
Issue the following command to install the file. You will need to enter your root password.
sudo sh VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
Once installed, restart your virtual machine. Linux Guest additions will then be installed.