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Unable to connect to MariaDB remotely. Socket fail to connect to host on IP address, port

ID: 336

Category: MariaDB Database

Added: 16th of January 2023

Views: 1,894

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If you are having trouble connecting to MariaDB remotely, then you need to check bind-address in the MariaDB configuration file.

The MariaDB configuration file can be found under the following directory /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

To open and start editing the file using nano enter the following in the terminal

nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

Scroll until you find bind-address =
Then comment out the line #bind-address =

Add a new line for bind-address and set this to bind-address =

Save the file by pressing ctrl + o and hit enter

Then exit nano by pressing ctrl + x

Then restart MariaDB
systemctl restart mariadb

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