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MariaDB Database

Added: 17th of March 2024

MariaDB commands to show databases, tables, fields from the MariaDB prompt

Added: 12th of January 2024

Convert unix timestamp in seconds to readable date in MySQL / MariaDB

Added: 20th of December 2023

MariaDB Can't connect to local server through socket '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)

Added: 16th of January 2023

Unable to connect to MariaDB remotely. Socket fail to connect to host on IP address, port

Added: 14th of January 2023

Unable to connect to MariaDB remotely, Host ip_address is not allowed to connect to MariaDB server

Added: 25th of September 2022

Perform basic SELECT queries in MariaDB using the Linux Terminal (Part 4)

Added: 25th of September 2022

Create a new database, table and insert data, using MariaDB in the Linux Terminal (Part 3)

Added: 25th of September 2022

Create a new user using MariaDB database in the Linux Terminal (Part 2)

Added: 25th of September 2022

Install MariaDB database in Ubuntu based distributions 2022 (Part 1)

Added: 28th of May 2018

Create a new user in MariaDB and GRANT ALL privileges