Category: MariaDB Database

Added: 17th of March 2024

Viewed: 473 times

Related Tips & Tutorials

Install MariaDB database in Ubuntu based distributions 2022 (Part 1)

MariaDB commands to show databases, tables, fields from the MariaDB prompt

Login to MariaDB entering your username and password

mysql -u {username} -p

Enter the SHOW DATABASES command to display the databases for user mycomputertips_user1

Enter the USE command to starting using the mycomputertips_user1 database
USE mycomputertips_user1;

Enter the SHOW TABLES command to display the tables inside the mycomputertips_user1 database

Enter the SHOW COLUMNS command to display the fields inside tbl_users_example table
SHOW COLUMNS FROM tbl_users_example;

Select all records from the tbl_users_example table
SELECT * FROM tbl_users_example;