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Added: 5th of June 2021

Install Cool Retro Terminal on Ubuntu and Ubuntu based distributions

Added: 5th of October 2020

Install Putty in Xubuntu and other Ubuntu based distributions

Added: 16th of July 2020

Open thunar file manager as root user on Xubuntu

Added: 2nd of April 2020

Understanding themes and icons in Xubuntu, XCFE

Added: 22nd of February 2020

How do I create a new menu panel in Xubuntu or other Linux distribution that uses XFCE4

Added: 18th of February 2020

Where are the desktop wallpapers located in Xubuntu. /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops

Added: 18th of February 2020

How do I reset the menu panels in Xubuntu, XFCE4

Added: 29th of May 2016

Xubuntu, Gigolo opens FTP connections in Firefox instead of Thunar

Added: 20th of January 2016

Volume control is missing from my panel and plugins in Xubuntu, how do I restore it?

Added: 16th of January 2016

Xubuntu, Panel Preferences notification area greyed out